Babu Rao
  1322 READS

Babu Rao

Seen in most films with a dhoti on his waist, a torn sweatshirt and big black glasses resting on his nose, Paresh Rawal's timing of comedy is commendable. But the actor with Padma Shri has the skill of stealing hearts even when he appears in more serious and negative roles.

A no retake event
  921 READS

A no retake event

Ever wondered about the man behind most of your favourite music albums? Gulshan Kumar, born today, set the foundation of the music label. His life started with assisting his father in selling fruit juice, which later changed from selling movie cassettes to finally making those!

Lifting Bigotry
  616 READS

Lifting Bigotry

Doing sports is one thing but doing it in a way to set a new threshold is a completely different feat. Sunaina Sunaina, the heavy-weight-lifter, born on this day, was smiling when she picked the 118 kg and bagged the gold prizes like she was lifting air and flying with the wind.

Boriya Bistar baandh lo, Rail gaadi aayi hai!
  530 READS

Boriya Bistar baandh lo, Rail gaadi aayi hai!

On this day, the first-ever passenger rail was thrown open to Indians; a project that captured the imagination of the common folk who were left awestruck.

Karaara Zindagi, Karaara Jawaab!
  395 READS

Karaara Zindagi, Karaara Jawaab!

Rejected three times, only to join the institution to teach, Manoj Bajpayee has a perfect bedtime story for all his grandchildren as his story is one of an adult fairy-tale. His Birth would also signal the birth of many of the overused lines from his films and series.

The Saas-y queen
  555 READS

The Saas-y queen

Hated in the latter half of her career for all the good reasons, Lalita Pawar was an actress who did not let anything stand in her way. Not even injuries, not even a tragic marriage.

Interpreter of Immigrants
  519 READS

Interpreter of Immigrants

On this day, Jhumpa Lahiri won the Pulitzer Prize for her debut book Interpreter of Maladies- talk about announcing yourself on the big stage.

The noose which went loose on the British
  357 READS

The noose which went loose on the British

Just a lowly sepoy in the 34th Bengal Native Infantry (BNI) regiment of the English East India Company, Mangal Pandey was the aflame matchstick to the fiery Indian rebellion of 1857!

Uninvited guests even better than the wedding food
  622 READS

Uninvited guests even better than the wedding food

A fake procession - imposter soldiers - a window in the back - Shivaji and 50 of his best men sneak into their own palace - the curtains are torn and the swords clamour - shrieks and blood in every room - Shaista Khan managed to run but had to leave his fingers behind!

The break-up every Odia wanted
  661 READS

The break-up every Odia wanted

Once again the world comes to see the beautiful unification and celebration of people. Odisha day or Utkala Dibasa celebrates the unification of Odisha as a separate state-based linguistically.