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Ruling the Ramp – How Anjali Mendes Revolutionised the Modelling Industry
Anjali Mendes was a Bombay-born model – the first dark-skinned model to walk the ramp of designer Pierre Cardin in Paris. Born on January 29, 1946, Anjali’s long legs were what made her stand out – quite literally!
The Model With Dark-skin and Long Legs; Source: Indpaedia

Born on 29th Jan 1946

In a world plagued with hierarchies of skin colours and rigid conventions of beauty, Mumbai-born Anjali Mendes paved the way for the international representation of non-white Indian models. Born on January 29, 1946, Anjali’s original name was Phyllis. She had six other siblings, and so, her parents were constantly trying to make ends meet for the sake of their children’s well-being. Apart from her mother, who was a homemaker and her father, who worked in a company of Swiss wristwatches, the upbringing of the Mendes siblings was heavily influenced by their paternal grandfather.

Though the Mendes family was never rich, young Anjali never felt the dearth of money – she herself was happier playing outdoors, and her parents tried their best to meet her needs.

Anjali Mendes completed her education primarily at convent schools, where she didn’t take particular interest in academics. However, she loved to read fiction written by children’s beloved English author, Enid Blyton.

She aspired to have a short career as a secretary before getting married and starting her own family. She lived her life just like any other schoolgirl, except, she always stood out because of her height!

Her long legs had made it impossible for her to occupy the front benches in class, and to find a suitable boyfriend who could match up to Anjali’s height.

Mendes, during her high-school days, was awkward and wore thick-rimmed glasses and underwent a complete transformation over a chance meeting.

Due to severe financial constraints, she was forced to drop out of college in her second year. Although she took up a job as a secretary, the loss of her father’s job had put the family under increased financial pressure. While travelling to her office on the bus one day, her friend suggested that she audition for the fashion show being advertised in the newspaper. Mendes gave it a shot – and her life completely flipped over. She worked under the show co-ordinator for a few years, before deciding to take a leap of faith – to the fashion capital of the world, Paris.

Reaching Paris with a meagre amount of money, she went immediately to pitch her talent to renowned designer Pierre Cardin. Cardin was amazed by Mendes. Consequently, Anjali Mendes became the first dark-skinned woman to walk the ramp for his brand. She also worked under other high-end labels such as Givenchy and Elsa Schiaparelli. She worked in Paris for 12 years, then quit while still at the peak of her career. Returning to India, she handled Cardin’s company in India as a businesswoman for another 18 years.

Though Mendes had friends and family back in India, she bought a home for herself in France. In 2010, she suddenly fell ill and passed away in her home, bringing a quiet end to her graceful, ground-breaking career.


Isha Dasari Author
Critical theory enthusiast with a penchant for organisational perfection.

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