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The end of the French
The French were the epitome of imperialistic power in the world, at times stronger than the English, however, the British clearly won over the French wiping out their existence. More than the story of the last Carnatic War, we try to look into the reasons for the win of the British which crowned them as the sole external power in India.
The fight between the French and the English in the region of Carnatic; Image source:

French versus English Part 4

In the last stories, we saw how the French who were initially winning the battle now were having the worst of times. With the entry of Robert Clive the tables had turned. We saw how in the Treaty of Pondicherry, the British made the Dupleix, the French governor leave India.

Dupleix was obviously the mastermind behind the initial victories of the French. After he was recalled from India, the French couldn't employ a very strong governor again. In absence of a strong governor, the British finally saw their chance.

Just like the first Carnatic War, the reasons for the outbreak of the third Carnatic War started far away from India. The British and the French had always been cutthroat competitors. They were engaged in a seven-year battle against each other in all continents of the world to establish their imperialist hegemony.

India was no exception. The Third and final Carnatic War began in 1758 and went on till 1763. It consists of a lot of encounters, however, the most decisive battle was fought in 1760 known as the Battle of Wandiwash. The English officer, Sir Eyre Loote defeated the French Governor, de Lally quite thoroughly. The English even captured Pondicherry and Mahe.

The war ended with the Treaty of Paris. This treaty like the last Treaty of Pondicherry, allowed the French to retain all the territories they lost like Mahe and Pondicherry however, this time the added clause was that the French must accept British protectorate in India. Their purpose would be to trade and they cannot expand their territories in India. When the French accepted these conditions, it was obvious that their imperialist ambitions in India must come to an end.

Putting a stop to French forces and their growing power was a huge win for the British. We try to understand the reasons why the French who were the epitome of imperialistic power, an equal rival of the British faced defeat in the Carnatic region of India.

One of the possible reasons was the spontaneity of the British. The British were very quick to react and change strategies in times of crisis. The reason behind this more spontaneous nature of the British was that while the English East India Company was a private company, the French East India Company was a government-owned company. If one lives in India, they don’t need an explanation for the time difference between a decision made by the government and a decision made by a private enterprise.

The absence of a strong governor of the French in India was a very major reason. The governor Count de Lally was not a good replacement for Dupleix, the former governor. De Lally was arrogant and hostile towards his own men and the French army greatly disliked him. On the other hand, the British acted as a cohesive unit under the command of their leader.

The 3rd battle of Carnatic happened after the Battle of Plassey. The British had amassed huge wealth, eliminating any possible financial difficulties while the French were faced a lack of resources with a time lag in decision making.

The French did continue with their presence in India for a quiet long time after this defeat, however, they were never able to reach the iota of control the British would have on India in the coming future.


Astha Kumari Author
Currently a resident of neverland who is confused most of the time. Prefers to paint places that I am too lazy to visit and only bursts my bubble to yoke together my love for words and aesthetics.

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