Diverse land, innumerable sights - National Tourism Day

The National Tourism Day is celebrated every year to highlight the importance and potential of tourism in the national economy.
If the stones could speak, they would surely the tales of enchanting India; View of the Taj Mahal; Source: National Geographic

If the stones could speak, they would surely the tales of enchanting India; View of the Taj Mahal; Source: National Geographic

Tourism has over the years emerged as a significant boost to a country’s economy and cultural ties with other nations around the world. Especially with the development of faster transport, there has been a significant rise in the number of people willing to travel and explore, and domestic tourism within the country itself. Tourism has truly become one of the leading industries in the service sector.

India is a country with large tourism potential. Since the cost of services and transport here are cheaper than the West, it is significantly easier to travel larger distances with relative comfort.

Furthermore, India offers a vast geographic and cultural landscape - from the Northern Himalayas, to the plains and rivers of the Ganges Plain, the Western Desert and the Eastern Marshes, going down into the beaches of the coasts, as well as lagoons and the lush Ghats - each place has its own touristic vibe and charm.

The sheer cultural diversity of the plethora of communities living in the same space also provides a vivid and varied experience to the people who decide to come to India. With all these points in mind, the Ministry of Tourism has held that the 25th of January would be celebrated as the National Tourism Day in India.

This day is celebrated to promote touristic activities, not only from outside the country but within as well, since with a billion-strong population, it is impossible that every Indian has seen the expansive lands this country has to offer.

Furthermore, the quality of services offered, new train and flight routes, tourism packages are also launched this day, with a renewed focus on particular policies/regions to boost tourism.

An equal emphasis is laid on the provisions and recommendation of international organisations like UNESCO and ICOMOS. It is done to ensure that the safety and preservation of heritage sites are not ignored.


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