Interesting Facts About Indian Constitution

Indian Constitution stands as a beacon of diversity that embodies our ideals and aspirations of a nation that we proudly call as ours. As on ThisDay, we delve into the intriguing world of constitutional law, let's unravel some of its fascinating facts that you never knew.
indian constititution

Interesting Facts About Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution, adopted on January 26, 1950, is not merely a legal document but a living testament to the aspirations and vision of a newly independent nation. As one of the lengthiest written constitutions in the world, it encompasses a myriad of principles and provisions that have shaped the democratic landscape of India, in post-colonial rule. With ThisDay etched in Indian History, let's delve into some fascinating facts about the Indian Constitution that highlight its uniqueness and significance.

  1. The Indian Constitution was not printed but meticulously handwritten in calligraphy on parchment paper brought from Birmingham. The calligraphy was done by Prem Bihari Raizada, who refused any compensation for his work and instead requested to inscribe his name on each page, with his grandfather's name on the last page.
  1. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution, one that appears on the first page of every textbook, is not merely an introduction but a poetic declaration of the people's resolve. It beautifully articulates the essence of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, guiding the nation toward the path of righteousness. The use of the terms "Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, and Democratic Republic" reflects the foundational principles that govern the nation.
  1. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, often hailed as the chief architect of the Indian Constitution, played a pivotal role in its drafting. Dr. Ambedkar studied the constitutions of 60 different countries and chose the most exemplary practices from each. He took the election commission and parliamentary governance from the British constitution, the preamble from the United States, the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity from France, and the right to life from Japan.
  1. India, with its diverse cultures and religions, celebrates its identity across all regions. This essence is enshrined in the Constitution, with secularism as its core principle. The framers of the Constitution aimed to foster a society where individuals could practice their faith freely without any discrimination. It is said that India is considered one of the most diverse and tolerant nations of all.
  1. While we are aware of 6 fundamental rights that form the backbone of every Indian citizen and cater to individual liberties, the Constitution also outlines Directive Principles of State Policy that guide the government in making laws and policies, emphasizing social and economic justice, and ensuring the welfare of citizens.

6.It's a comprehensive document that covers a wide range of topics from individual rights to state principles and from the powers of the President to the organization of the judiciary. Unlike federal systems where citizens may have both national and state citizenship, the Indian Constitution establishes a single citizenship for the entire nation.

  1. Two helium-filled cases inside the library of New Delhi's Parliament of India building are guarded and maintained at 20 degrees Celsius with 30% humidity, stores handwritten copies of the Indian Constitution in English and Hindi. These volumes, weighing 3.75 kg each and containing 251 pages, symbolize the nation's commitment to preserving its foundational document uniquely and carefully.
  1. The Indian Constitution holds the distinction of being the world's longest constitution, with a staggering 1,46,385 words. It consists of 395 articles, making it an extensive document that meticulously outlines the rights, duties, and powers of the government and its citizens.

Amending the Indian Constitution is a meticulous process, requiring a two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament. This ensures that changes are carefully considered and represent broader consensus that contributes to the stability of the legal framework.

  1. The Hindi translation and artistic representation of the Constitution were done by Vasant Krishna Vaidya and Nandalal Bose, respectively. Bose incorporated depictions of the Harappa Civilization, Ajanta caves, the Chola-era Nataraja, Gandhiji's historic Dandi March, and other images reflecting India's rich cultural history.
  1. To commemorate the adoption of the Indian Constitution, November 26 is celebrated as Constitution Day.

The Indian Constitution stands as a beacon of democracy and a testament to the vision of its architects. Its intricate design, commitment to fundamental rights, and adaptability to changing times make it a dynamic document that continues to shape the destiny of one of the world's largest democracie


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