Musings of Tagore: The Bard of Bengal 

Weaving words into a symphonious whole that soothes the soul is magic known to bards. They sing from folly, anger, care, love and every emotion known to mankind. One such bard that continues to live in our hearts is Rabindranath Tagore. Let us walk through the lane of his mesmerising works. 
A portrait of Kobiguru; Image Source- The Indian Express

A portrait of Kobiguru; Image Source- The Indian Express

With such threads of love and devotion, all Bengalis wait for the arrival of the 25th day of Boishakh (according to the Bengali calendar), also known as Pochishe Boishakh, very eagerly. The date marks the birth anniversary of Tagore and is celebrated with pomp everywhere. 

Celebrations are specifically elaborate in Shantiniketan and Vishva-Bharati University. Generally, the day is commemorated with a plethora of cultural programmes, including dance, music, singing of songs composed by Tagore, reciting his poetry and even performing dramas penned by him. Reliving the essence of his legacy through his works time and again reminds us of the invaluable gift that he left behind for his admirers. 

Tagore is a name known by many and revered by many more. The man who gave soul to our national anthem, the man who united the increasingly divided Bengal with the strength of Rakhi, is none other than the Bard of Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore. 

Kadambari Devi's mysterious death left a gaping hole in Tagore's life, which introduced the theme of melancholia in his works. Death and grief left a permanent mark on his writings of this time. 

With time, Tagore learned to seek shelter in expressing his feelings through his writings. And that's how his literary journey continued. 

Tagore's family came from a rich past of aristocracy that remained at the forefront of every social change. This explains why Tagore's sentiments found a wider audience in his time. Adding on to the fact that Tagore explored every genre known to his time only broadened the gamut of his works. From nature to love, death to melancholy, with a special twinge for patriotism, Tagore's works cover the entirety of his time, reflecting humanism at its best. 

Today, Tagore is an icon known and revered in every Bengali household across the globe. It is common to find Grurudev's portrait in various art schools and in the homes of Tagorephiles (Tagore lovers).

"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark." 

This quote by Tagore pretty much sums up the meaning of hope in our lives. Having faith in oneself can illuminate the darkest corners of our lives. This charm of words pulls every literature lover to embark on the journey of reading and re-reading the spectacular works of Tagore. But what inspired the world-renowned writer to compose his masterpieces? Let me walk you through Tagore's journey of becoming a bard.  

Born in the compounds of his ancestral home, the 'Jorasanko Mansion' in Calcutta, little Rabi was an ever-curious child with a liking for nature. The classroom teaching and learning process seemed dull and restrictive to Tagore. As a result, he attained informal education from his elder brother, Hemendranath, in the lap of nature. With time, Tagore became notorious when it came to dropping out of schools and colleges. 

Tagore had many muses to ignite the literary saga of his life. The most vital amongst them was Kadambari Devi, his sister-in-law. The latter was married to Tagore's elder brother at a young age. Both Kadambari Devi and Tagore ended up spending a lot of time together, lost in their literary quests of discovering and writing something unique. 

A picture of Tagore engaged in composing something; Image Source- The Wire

A picture of Tagore engaged in composing something; Image Source- The Wire

Celebrating 161 years of his essence; Image Source- Calcutta cacophony

Celebrating 161 years of his essence; Image Source- Calcutta cacophony


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