The unfortunate wife

Nadira Banu Begum, the wife of Dara Shikoh, was born today in 1618. Her dreamy, royal life would culminate in a years-long run from Aurangzeb's troops before a tragic death.
A painting of Nadira Banu Begum; Source: Wikipedia

A painting of Nadira Banu Begum; Source: Wikipedia

Nadira Banu Begum, born on the 14th of March, 1618, stands as an example of how unaware can be of upcoming tragedy and suffering. Born as a noble Mughal princess, with Akbar as her great grandfather, she grew up in Agra. Her considerable intelligence and beauty made her a favourite of the Mughal princes, even as her father’s loyalty impressed the then-Emperor, Shah Jahan. Although, her father would die quite soon due to a head injury and health complications brought on by excessive drinking.

Mumtaz Mahal arranged for her engagement with Dara Shikoh, Shah Jahan’s favourite as the heir to the throne. As Mumtaz died, however, Shah Jahan would lapse into deep sadness, but it was Dara’s wedding which would bring him back to the excited stage he was in.

Historians have defined the wedding as a landmark in extravagance - including festivities leading up to 240 million rupees in today’s money! Dara was a devoted husband, and did not marry again. They had 8 children, and life seemed to be getting along quite well for them. As the dreamy life was proceeding happily, it was about time that it ran the gauntlet of reality.

Shah Jahan fell sick, and the war of succession began. Dara lost, and was on the run for his life.

Marching on and on and on throughout the western provinces of the Mughal Empire, on the run from the army of Aurangzeb, they would camp at Ahmedabad and then tried to make a dash for Persia.

Exhausted, Nadira was asked to stay at chieftain Jiwan Khan’s areas, who was lecherous by nature. As Dara would go on a final, losing battle, Nadira would die of vexation, dysentery or poison, according to various stories. Her remains were brought to Lahore, but her soul, which was spared seeing the inevitable death of her family, but still was sure of it, was embittered forever.


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